
This crystal is a very rare stone. It is a Beryl stone that crystallises in hexagonal columns. When forming in the presence of iron it becomes a beautiful blue-green colour and it then classified as Aquamarine
Chakras - Throat & Heart
Activates - Energy/Rejuvenation, Calming and Patience, Inspiration, Protection, Higher Self, Insight, Expanded Awareness, Inner Peace, Peace of Mind, Anxiety Relief
Healing Physical - Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hay fever or allergies. It can be helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems. It regulates hormones and growth. Counteracts short- or long-sightedness.
Planets – Neptune
Zodiacs – – Aries, Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius
Birthstone - March
Elements – Water
Colours – Blueish green, blue-green, greenish blue, blue.
Numerical Vibration - 1
Appearance – Clear-opaque crystal Usually small, faceted or tumbled.
Rarity – Readily available
Source – Brazil, Afghanistan, Burma (Myanmar), China, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Ukraine and the United States.
Hardness – 7.5 - 8
Chemical Formula – Be3Al2Si6O18
Family - Beryl
Healing with Aquamarine