
This crystal is great for ambition and will keep you working toward your objective. It is also helpful for longevity.
Chakras - Heart
Activates - Calming and Patience, Dreams, Love & Relationships, Joy, Protection, Physical Healing, Abundance, Inner Peace, Peace of Mind, Transmutation of Negative Energies, Longevity, Connection with Nature, Astral Travel, Elimination Toxins, Lucid Dreaming, Self- Healing, Fertility and Pregnancy
Healing Physical - powerful healing stone for the heart. strong earth element stone and has a very deep connection with Mother Earth. This helps to nurture your chi energy, just like the trees, giving it a strong root of love in the heart so it can steadily increase, grow, and flourish.
Planets – Earth
Zodiacs – Aries, Gemini, Libra & Taurus
Elements – Earth
Colours – Black, Green, Grey, White, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Blue, Cream, Lavender, White & Red.
Numerical Vibration - 9
Appearance – Translucent (Jadeite), Creamy (Nephrite). Comes in all sizes and has a "soapy feel".
Rarity – Mostly are widely available however Nephrite is more common than Jadeite which can be rare.
Source – China, Italy, USA, Russia, Middle East & Myanmar.
Hardness – 6-7
Chemical Composition – n{NaAlSi2O6} p{Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2}
Healing with Jade