
Jasper is a type of Chalcedony that grows in massive formations with opaque (and usually patterned) colours. This crystal is usually referred to as the "Supreme Nurturer". It carries an energy, or vibration of peace, calm, and tranquillity.
Chakras - Solar Plexus
Activates -Joy, Balance, Luck and Good Fortune, Cleansing, Altruism, Stress Relief, Abundance, Nourishing and Rejuvenation, , Alignment of Chakras, Enlightenment, Inner Peace, Self- Healing, Astral Travel, Balancing Polarities, Fertility and Pregnancy
Healing Physical - Circulatory and digestive systems, sexual organs. Balances body minerals. Useful as a gem elixir as it doesn't overstimulate the body.
Planets – Earth & Sun
Zodiacs – Leo
Elements – Earth
Colours – Red, Brown, Yellow, Green, Black, White Grey, Orange, Purple, Blue
Appearance – Patterned and opaque. usually small, tumbled and water-worn
Rarity – Common
Source – Hardness – 6.5-7
Chemical Composition – Si02
Healing with Jasper