Tiger's Eye

Tiger Eye is a variety of Quartz and a pseudomorph (meaning false form) replacement of Crocidolite. It's stone of stability that heightens personal power and integrity.
Chakras - Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root
Activates - Strength, Balance, Creativity, Intuition, Protection, Prosperity, Balancing Polarities, Longevity, Creating Your Own Reality, Luck and Good Fortune
Healing Physical - Digestive system, disorders and illnesses including nausea and flatulence. Good for eye health, disease and vision.
Healing Emotional/Spiritual - Aids with life challenges giving courage to achieve life goals. Release inhibitions helping with fear negativity grounding and distant healing. Helps to bring balance
Planets – Sun
Zodiacs – Capricorn & Leo
Elements – Earth & Fire
Colours – Brownish yellow to reddish brown
Numerical Vibration - 4
Appearance – Banded and slightly shiny often found in small, tumbled pieces
Rarity – Easily obtained
Source – USA, India, Australia, Mexico & South Africa
Hardness – 4-7
Chemical Composition – SiO2
Family - Quartz
Healing with Tigers Eye