
Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium. Copper causes the bright blue colour, and its greenish shades are speckles of iron within.A stone of healing that guards against disease and environmental pollutions.
Chakras - Heart, Throat, Third Eye
Activates - Travel, Balance, Communication, Empathy, Truth, Stress Relief, Higher Self, Expansion, Expanded Awareness, Inner Peace, Self- Healing, Peace of Mind, Emotional Understanding, Alignment with the Higher Self, Balancing Polarities
Healing Physical - Strengthens immune system, Absorbs nutrients, Regenerates damaged tissue, Heals eyes and sore throats, Alleviates body pain
Planets – Neptune & Venus
Zodiacs – Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius &Scorpio
Birthstone - December
Elements – Storm
Colours – Turquoise, Green or Blue.
Numerical Vibration - 1
Appearance – Opaque, usually veined. Comes in all sizes and usually polished
Rarity – Easy obtained
Source – China, Mexico, Iran, USA, Frances, Russia, Poland, Tibet Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt
Hardness – 5-6
Chemical Composition – CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4H2O
Healing with Turquoise