Health & Well-Being Articles

2021 Holiday Gift Guide
Give (or get) a gift of goodness this holiday season and ring in 2022 in good health and wellness. Whether you’re sharing the holidays in person or still prefer to keep your distance, there’s no better way to show you care than to support someone’s well-being, so check out our top twelve recommendations for everyone on your holiday shopping list!

Everything You Want to Know About Zeolite
With over 80,000 chemicals circulating in the consumer products we use, food we eat, water we drink, and air we breathe, toxin exposure is unavoidable. Millions have turned to the mineral zeolite as a natural way to help detoxify the body and support renewed health and well-being.

7 Harmful Toxins in Air You Breathe
The average adult takes around 15 breaths every minute. That’s a whopping 21,600 breaths every day. Each inhale brings in precious oxygen to nourish our cells. But it can also bring in a slew of toxic chemicals commonly found in the air we breathe.

The Superheroes of Digestion & Life
Enzymes are critical for more than just digestion; your life depends on them. So you’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” But in reality, you are only what you digest. That’s why enzymes are such a crucial component for all living organisms. In your body, enzymes are the worker bees. They create the energy by which all work is accomplished within your cells—with enzymes, life happens.

Your Best Defence Against Cancer?
Broccoli is rapidly coming to the forefront of clinical research as possessing potent anti-cancer properties. Seems like Mom had it right all along when she said to “eat your greens.” What is it about this cruciferous vegetable that could make it your best defence against cancer, a disease expected to strike 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in their lifetime?

Get More Energy with Less Caffeine
An energy product without caffeine? Dr. Jason Reynolds of Body Dynamix Chiropractic in Orange County, California explains how coffee and synthetic stimulants are not the answer to your energy needs.

The Pros and Cons of Raw Food
Raw Food: Good for Enzymes, Hard to Digest!
Maintaining a strict raw food diet may be the most effective way to feed your body the enzymes it needs, still the idea of all raw, all the time is a hard one to digest.

It’s Essential to Fight Free Radicals
Produced as a normal part of your body’s metabolism, some free radicals are essential for dealing with viruses and bacteria. But too many free radicals can create inflammation and disrepair in your body, even causing you to age from the inside out.

Dr. Hestdalen: Broken Food Supply
In today’s industrial-farming world, is our food providing the nutrition we need for optimal wellness? Dr. Darrel Hestdalen shows us that sadly, most food grown does not give our bodies what they need to perform in today’s high stress environment.