My Journey

I spent some time coming to terms with my new diagnosis with emotions ranging from fear and upset to disillusionment.
I dealt with all the practical things first (DVLA, insurance, hospital appointments) and then set to researching more about the impact this newly diagnosed disease would have on my life.
I soon discovered that MS is a “snowflake” disease, meaning that it affects everyone differently. I sought comfort initially in joining groups and forums to discuss experiences with others who had either been diagnosed themselves or who's family members had been. We were all at different stages of the disease (RR - Relapsing Remitting, PP - Primary Progressive, SP- Secondary Progressive) but I found after a while this only increased my fears about the unknown outcome. What resonates with one may not resonate with another, we all walk our own path so I can only advise at this point to go with what feels right for you.
Over the years I tried five of the available DMT’s (Disease Modifying Therapies) with all bar the last one “failing”. Either my body built up NAB’s (Neutralising Antibodies) or I developed horrible reactions which meant I had to take further medication ( 11 days of a liquid charcoal washout - YUK! on one occasion) to reverse the side effects and stop treatment.
Moving on a few years (to 2020) and still tolerating the therapeutic side effects, I started to re-evaluate everything in my life, my job, diet, and lifestyle. My daughter had now grown up and was independent so I started to focus on me. I worked on all my early to mid life trauma’s and realised how they had affected my perception on life and my belief’s in the people around me. I no longer felt the need to constantly seek approval from anyone or constantly apologise for not being whom others wanted me to be.
This realisation had a huge effect! Friends and family saw a change, some even walked away from my path (or I from theirs) and whilst it was difficult at the time I look back now and reflect that it’s OK, we are all walking our own journey. Mine had become so much more positive. I started to believe in myself and ceased seeking recognition and approval from others (which had manifested from childhood trauma). I had learnt that this only comes from within. As the famous quote goes “If you don’t go within, you go without”. I resigned from my 9-5 job and felt relief from the constraints and stress this appeared to have on my everyday life. I then moved on to a more mindful way of living and began to truly appreciate the “small things” in life which in turn enabled me to live in the moment and become so much more at peace.
Still seeking a natural way to manage my MS I became vegetarian 18 months ago. This "lightbulb moment" was mainly from reading disease & diet publications and watching documentaries about health and the effects meat and dairy has on the body (see my Health Documentaries Page). I could also no longer ethically be a part of a system that mass produces sentient beings in which I personally consider to be in many cases horrific environments. 6 months later and after further research I became vegan. I have never felt better! My energy levels are back, my MS symptoms have almost completely disappeared to the extent that I am no longer taking pain medication or DMT's and I feel more comfortable in myself that I am not contributing to what I consider animal cruelty. This is not to sway anyone and I have no judgement to others. We all have free will and choice, research yourself if only for your own health.
Further investigating my own personal health I started to explore other toxins. I discovered how many were not only in our everyday food but also in other everyday products, the air and water. I no longer use manufactured toothpaste (yes I do still clean my teeth) due to the levels of fluoride it contains and have changed to a home-made coconut oil and bicarbonate of soda formula. Tap water was another eye opener, and whilst I have always used a filter (the jug type in which you change the filter monthly and keep in the fridge) I discovered that this still doesn’t remove all toxic elements. I discovered and therefore changed to distilled water. The initial outlay is about £130 (but can vary) and again I have noticed a huge difference in taste and how I feel in myself. You may be surprised to see the sediments left behind in my distiller that I would have otherwise ingested straight from the tap! If you’d like to see the difference it made to me have a look at my distilled water page HERE
From here I discovered Touchstone Essentials and tried a few of their products in order to enhance my new found cleaner living. I was so impressed by the products and company ethics that I signed up as an affiliate in order promote and give others the opportunity to try and see for themselves.
If you would like any further information about some articles I have read that led to these changes see my page on Health & Well-being Here. I am neither a doctor or a healthcare professional. These are only my personal experiences and I would advise everyone to carry out their own research as well as discussing any changes in their health or medical care with their own G.P. or health practitioner. Please see full disclaimer below.
On a final note I have started to learn the practice of Reiki in order to expand my knowledge, grow and evolve as a soul in a human body in this journey we call life. I have dedicated a page to this (which will be updated as I progress) so if you would like you can follow me on my journey Here
I wish you all well on your own personal journey.
Much love,
"Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important. Capture the good times. And if things don't work out, just take another shot" Ziad K. Abdelnour