Remove all chemicals & heavy metals from your water

About 6 months ago having researched about toxins in our environment as well as our tap water I purchased a Make Water Pure distiller.
The distiller removes all chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, heavy metals such as copper and lead, bacteria, viruses, pharmaceuticals, parasites, and all other contaminants leaving only pure H2O, just as nature intended!
I have not only noticed a difference in the taste and purity of the water I now drink but I have also seen in the sediment left behind in my distiller. These are the toxins we ingest (in drinking and cooking) from our tap water everyday. I now use distilled water for all drinking and cooking purposes for both humans and animals alike in my home.
I personally chose the distiller with a glass jug for both environmental and health reasons.
I have purchased some glass bottles to store the water in the fridge and set a few aside with either mint or lemon in for added benefits.
Photo of the sediment left in my water distiller

If you’re interested in seeing the difference this could make take a look at their website HERE

Water Distillers for the Home
Home water distilling is known to be the most effective water purification process available. Make Water Pure specialise in water distillation equipment that far exceeds other water filtration systems and methods. Our Home Water Distillers come complete with everything you need to start making fresh pure water.
Contact Make Water Pure today and start protecting your family from nasty chemicals and inorganic minerals found not only in tap water but also in bottled AND filtered water too! Learn how you too can make your water pure by joining us and sharing the benefits in drinking the best water on earth.